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      Steel Recycling

      28 | julho | 2023

      Find out more about how steel recycling works.

      In part of our production process, we use steel sheets to manufacture parts for bodywork, hardware and components. Not only in steel, but in other processes, we are always concerned with sustainability. To better understand this responsibility towards the environment, we brought a little about the development of steel manufacturing through this flow made by the “Instituto Aço Brasil”.

      Steel Recycling

         Steel is among the most recyclable and recycled materials in the world. The sector encourages the collection and recycling of steel contained in products at the end of their useful life, using them in the manufacture of new steel products, without any loss of quality.


         In this way, the production of steel from scrap reduces the consumption of non-renewable raw materials, saves energy and avoids the need to occupy areas for the disposal of obsolete products.

      Check the Steel Life Cycle in the flowchart below:


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